After 10 years of God's faithfulness and incredible Kingdom impact, we know that there is still so much more that God has in store for His Church. In every stage and season, we've knocked down walls, innovated, and created ways to continue reaching people. Now, with no more walls to knock down and being maxed out at every square inch of our spaces, WE CAN'T STOP NOW!
I believe it is time for us as a church and as a people to be UNSTOPPABLE. Why? Because we serve an UNSTOPPABLE God. We are on an UNSTOPPABLE mission. Our God seeks to do UNSTOPPABLE things IN us and THROUGH us in this next season as a church, and we want to be the conduits that allow Him to move more powerfully than ever before.
We invite you to join us on this journey. Our hope is that everyone at Discovery will come together in this crucial, legacy-defining moment, to see God again do the impossible.

Pastor Jason Hanash

January 2025 Monthly Update
What Do You Believe God Can Do in the Next 10-years?
(Ephesians 3:20 LB) Now glory be to God, who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes.
Primary Goal
UNSTOPPABLE is first and foremost a discipleship initiative. We want to learn new things about God and ourselves. We are asking each person and family at Discovery to go ALL IN as we step out in faith and pursue God’s dream for Discovery. This includes each of us joining together to pray fervently, commit fully, cheer loudly, and give generously. If everyone does 100% of what God asks them to do, we will accomplish all that God wants for us to accomplish.
Secondary Goal
$13.5M in generosity between Nov 2023-Nov 2025
Unstoppable Church
Through Unstoppable, we will continue to support our existing ministry to kids, students, adults, and families by providing opportunities to love God, love each other, and change the world.
We have seen thousands of people come to Christ and hundreds baptized. In this next season, we are believing for an even greater harvest.
Unstoppable Mission
As we continue to grow, we will continue to reach beyond our walls. This is designated for the Dream Center, Missions, helping to restore other churches through Church Boom, and planting churches and Discovery Campuses through the Church Multiplication Network.
Unstoppable Faith
Instead of backing down in this season, we are gearing up to continue reaching people right here in our neighborhoods. This is our continuing mission to navigate people to God everyday through the work we already do as a church.
Unstoppable Faith
$4.15 M
We are committed to ensuring the legacy of Discovery Church by purchasing additional land to develop our new Worship center, for which we have already signed the papers and escrow closes on January 30, 2025! The construction of a new worship space will provide the opportunity to renovate our existing worship center, transforming it into a hub for Discovery Kids. This dedicated space will serve as a safe and engaging environment for children to learn about faith, promoting a strong foundation for lifelong spiritual development.

First and foremost, we ask that you pray and seek God’s direction, before and during this Unstoppable Journey. Prepare your heart to hear Him and then do what He says. It’s that simple. Talk with your spouse, your family, or others about what this commitment will mean for this next season of your life.
We are asking that you make a sacrificial commitment to generosity in whatever it is that God is leading you toward. Follow His leading. Finally, we ask that you prepare to be amazed. We serve an Unstoppable God that is able to do far more than we can ever imagine. Not just here at Discovery but also in your life through your generosity.
During this two-year period, every contribution to God through Discovery is a contribution to our Unstoppable generosity initiative. Every aspect of the vision God is calling us towards for the next two years will be funded through Unstoppable. There will not be separate funds for the general fund, building fund, or other special projects.
Every gift made will go into the same fund and will go towards our Unstoppable initiative priorities. All of our campus locations have ministry priorities, and as a church we together have ministry priorities for this next season. And all of these will be funded, God willing, through our Unstoppable giving.
Be creative as you explore ways you and your family can give towards Unstoppable. You might have some stocks, real estate, or other items of personal property that you wish to give. Or you may have other types of stored resources that God has blessed you with in the past that He might be calling you to give out of during this time.
If you are new to the Unstoppable initiative, we would invite you to make a one-year commitment through November 2025. For those who are staying faithful through this journey or deepening the commitment of generosity the Lord has called you to, your commitment will still be for two years, November 2023 – November 2025.
You may have been a part of church-giving initiatives in the past during which you were asked to give a second gift “above and beyond” your usual gifts to make special initiatives like new buildings and new ministries possible.
Normally, you gave that gift to a “Building Fund” and you also continued to give offerings to the “General Fund.”
At Discovery, we believe that it is all ONE MISSION that God has called us on – to Love God, Find Freedom, Love Each other, and Change the World. So, we want to encourage all of us to unleash our generosity towards that mission.
This Unstoppable discipleship journey is from November 2023 – November 2025. Over these two years, every gift that is given to Discovery Church will go to Unstoppable Church, Unstoppable Missions, and Unstoppable Faith.
Be creative as you explore ways you and your family can give towards unstoppable. You might have stocks, property, bitcoins, or other items of that nature. Or you may have stored resources that God has blessed you with in the past that He just might be calling you to give out of during this time.
Please let us know if you need assistance with facilitating gifts of property or stock and we would be happy to help you with that. You can contact our finance ministry at admin@Discoverybakersfield.com
Unstoppable is about your total, radical, sacrificial generosity to God’s mission at Discovery Church. We believe that God calls us to action in times of hardship just as much as He does in times of abundance and that looks different for every person. But Unstoppable is about a heart change – one that is only accomplished by surrendering our lives completely over to God in over to God in the area of generosity.
God may be calling you to make a commitment that you don’t quite know how to fulfill right now, but that you believe God will provide for you as you seek ways to sacrifice and work towards that commitment. It is not about the size of the gift, but your obedience toward what God is calling you to in this season
The primary goal of this discipleship journey is 100% participation of every person who considers Discovery Church home.
Unstoppable is a “one fund” generosity initiative, meaning that it is different from a traditional capital campaign where you are called to give an extra gift above and beyond your normal giving – thus creating two steps for people who aren’t yet giving. Unstoppable is a call to sacrificial, gospel-centered generosity for absolutely everyone at Discovery Church.
If you have never given before, this is your chance to get in the game with a committed sacrifice. We really hope you will.
Unstoppable is about the vision for our church. We believe that the local church is one of the most compelling missions to give towards and we would really love for you to make Discovery your home and join us in Unstoppable.
If you are ready for it, this is a perfect time for you to put a stake in the ground and make this your church.
Great question. Here at Discovery, we say you can belong before you believe. Some people begin praying before they begin attending church. Others begin going to a small group before they begin talking to God in prayer. Giving is another spiritual step and it comes at different times for different people.
One thing is for sure, however just like other spiritual disciplines, giving draws us closer to God. And God is calling all of us to give. (Matthew 6:19)
Whether you have taken any next steps yet or not, we would encourage you to still join us in Unstoppable Initiative. We firmly believe that it will draw you closer to God and hopefully to a place where you are ready to make the decision to go ALL IN.
For all finance and giving-related questions, please email admin@discoverybakersfield.com. For all other questions, please email us at office@discoverybakersfield.com