Community Impact and Statistics
We believe that we are equipped to be world changers at Discovery! Through our different Outreach teams, we are reaching our community to help support the Hungry, the Homeless, and the Fatherless.
Matthew 25:35-37: For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.
In 2023 Discovery church was able to support and care for over 4,500 families and 25,414 individuals.
Monthly Outreach Gatherings
We host two major outreach gatherings each month: 2nd Saturday Outreach and 4th Saturday Outreach.
Our 2nd Saturday Outreach operates at our Discovery Dream Center located at 520 Union Ave. All of our teams start their day at the Dream Center, but a few have different times. Outreach teams that operate on this day are:
- Food Outreach: 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM
- Adopt a Block: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
- Adopt a Block Hotel: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
- Clothing Pantry: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Our 4th Saturday Outreach operates out of our Discovery Admin Building at 7301 White Ln. Outreach Teams on this day are:
- Food Outreach: 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM
- Adopt a Block Homeless: 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM
- Adopt a Block: 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM
- Clothing Pantry: 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM
CSUB Outreach is every other Wednesday and every other Thursday on opposite weeks. 10Am-11AM
Sunday Service 11:30 AM
Every Sunday 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
Outreach Opportunities
Food Outreach Team
We have fed over 18,000 people and served over 3,500 families with a meal as well as a food box and treats for them to take home. This is a major ministry that takes place twice a month. We provide prayer to those waiting to be fed and get their supplies while connecting with them. As Jesus said, I was hungry and you gave me something to eat…
If you’d like to join our Food Outreach Team, please follow this link and complete the form!
Adopt a Block Homeless Team
We believe that the homeless are not hopeless. We minister and love on the homeless in our community and believe that God can change anyone’s circumstances! Our homeless team works as a special branch of our Adopt a Block. To build community and connection, we have multiple Adopt a Block Homeless teams that consistently meet specific areas and provide food, prayer, support, and connection. We have seen many lives changed through these teams! We have served over 1,600 individuals through our Adopt a Block Homeless Teams.
If you’d like to join our Adopt a Block Homeless Team, please follow this link and complete the form!
Adopt a Block Hotel Team
Our Dream Center facility is located right across the street from a group of hotels on Union that are infamous for prostitution and drug abuse. Our Adopt a Block Hotel team has adopted these hotels and care for the children and adults that live there and are victims of the patterns of the community. We provide meals, love, care, prayer, and supplies based on their need. We have served and loved on almost 1,000 individuals in these hotels in 2023.
If you are interested in joining our Adopt a Block Hotel Team, please follow this link and complete the form!
Dream Center Kids Outreach
Our Dream Center Kids Outreach is our way to provide a break for the kids in our Dream Center area. This is an incredibly difficult area of Bakersfield and many of these kids are facing issues we’d never fully understand. On each Sunday we provide a home-cooked meal, some time for them to be kids, celebrate and have fun – all while hearing a message of love and grace about a God that loves them and knows them.
If you are interested in serving on this team, please follow this link and complete the form!
CSUB Outreach
We have an outreach at our local state college – California State University of Bakersfield, CSUB, and we meet them right where they are on the CSUB campus! For this outreach, we provide snack bags for the students at the dorms as well as supplies that they need when they request it. In 2023 we served these bags and supplies to over 3,500 students! We also connect them to our Sunday service at CSUB! We minister to these students and have been seeing salvations and baptisms on the college campus!!
If you are interested in joining the CSUB Outreach team, please follow this link and complete the form!
Adopt a Block Team
Our Adopt a Block served 876 individuals with food and care. Our Adopt a Block team goes out to a specific area of Bakersfield and begins sharing with them the Gospel message as well as food, supplies, and at least once a month goes out to the neighborhood to BBQ and spend time with the families.
If you are interested in joining our Adopt a Block Team, please follow this link and complete the form!
Clothing Pantry Teams
Our Clothing Pantry served 314 individuals in 2023! That’s putting clothes on the back of kids, families, and the homeless with sweaters, socks, and shoes. These are crucial to those in need that can’t afford the materials they need as seasons change. As Jesus told us, as we clothe those in need, it is as if we are putting these clothes on Jesus Himself!
If you are interested in joining us on our Clothing Pantry Team, please follow this link and complete the form!