Leadership Lifter

Bonus Episode: How I Set Goals and Plan for the New Year


Why are our goals not working? 2 primary reasons:


1 – we focus on doing, not becoming.

2 – our goals are too far away to generate traction and transformation.


7 Areas of Focus


(Psalm 20:4) May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.


  1. Faith: in what ways is your relationship with God going to grow this year? Maybe it’s time to join a small group, serve on a team, or get baptized. How will your Bible reading, prayer, and devotion life be this year?




  1. Family: intentional time and investment into those closest to you. Are there key milestones happening in those you love this year? How will you create memories that will last?





  1. Future: how will you invest into your future? God has a purpose and plan for your life. What steps are you taking this year toward your calling, your career, or life goal?




  1. Friends: maybe you need to develop some new friends. Maybe you need to set some boundaries, or even cut our some old friends. How will you walk out authentic community this year?




  1. Fitness: God cares about your entire health. How will you steward your body and health better this year? What foods, activities, and fitness goals do you have?




  1. Finances: My earning, spending, saving, giving. Maybe you need to get on a budget, take the Financial Peace University course at Discovery, start saving, or start tithing. What financial goals do you have around earning, spending, saving, and giving?




  1. Field: what career or academic goals do you have this year? What steps are you taking to be in the field of your dream?




“There are some kinds of growth that come only when we’re willing to stop, pause,

and allow the lesson to catch up with us.” – Jason Hanash


Reflection turns experience into insight.


Everyone needs a time and place to pause.


If you want to reach your goals, you need get in a healthy rhythm to pause intentionally.



My Rhythm for Reflection


  1. Daily Devotion
  2. Weekly Sabbath
  3. Monthly Analysis
  4. Seasonal Strategy
  5. Annual Retreat
  6. Life Purpose



“Experience is not the teacher of all things. Evaluated experience is.” – Jason Hanash


8 Evaluation Questions


Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.


The wise man questions himself, the fool questions others.


  1. What did I say I was going to do?
  2. What did I actually do?
  3. What am I proud of?
  4. What am I not proud of?
  5. How did I lead people?
  6. How did I follow people?
  7. What would I do different?
  8. In reflection of last week (insert rhythm), what will I do this week (insert rhythm)?

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