
Do miracles exist and if so, do they still happen today? Your answer may depend on how you define the miraculous. The birth of a baby, how the ocean stops at the shoreline, overcoming addiction, overcoming sickness, or surviving an accident could all be defined as miracles. In this series, we'll look at The Gospel of John and seven important miracles performed by Jesus as we journey toward Easter.

7 Week Series
7 Week Series
  • Water into Wine (Feb 27)
  • Healing the official’s son (Mar 6)
  • Healing an invalid by the pool (Mar 13)
  • Feeding the 5000 (Mar 20)
  • Walking on Water (Mar 27)
  • Healing the Blin d Man (Apr 3)
  • Resurrection of Lazarus (Apr 10)

Reading Plan

Miracles: The Gospel of John

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WK 1 - Miracles: the Gospel of John
WK 1 - Miracles: the Gospel of John

Water Into Wine
John 2

WK 2 - Miracles: the Gospel of John
WK 2 - Miracles: the Gospel of John

Healing the Official’s Son
SonJohn 4

WK 3 - Miracles: the Gospel of John
WK 3 - Miracles: the Gospel of John

Healing the Paralytic Man by the Pool
John 5

WK 4 - Miracles: the Gospel of John
WK 4 - Miracles: the Gospel of John

Feeding the 5,000
John 6

WK 5 - Miracles: the Gospel of John
WK 5 - Miracles: the Gospel of John

Walking On Water
John 9

WK 6 - Miracles: the Gospel of John
WK 6 - Miracles: the Gospel of John

Healing the Blind Man
John 11

WK 7 - Miracles: the Gospel of John
WK 7 - Miracles: the Gospel of John

Resurrection of Lazarus
John 12