Fasting can be a challenge. The concept may sound easy but can be hard to actually implement. If you’ve never fasted before, you may be surprised how skipping a meal can affect your mood. There are so many obstacles that will try to keep us from taking this spiritual journey. Our schedule, our flesh, and the devil will all work against us when we start a fast.
So how do we keep all of the distractions at bay in order to be successful in our fast? Below are five simple suggestions to help you start, continue, and complete your fasting journey.
1. One Small Step
Don’t go big or you’ll definitely go home!
Start off small. If this is your first time fasting, don’t try a 21 day or even a week-long full fast. Start with one meal per day or one day per week. Then try two meals and work your way up from there. Maybe try a two or three-day liquid fast. Allowing yourself juice and water will help you to operate while still feeling the impact of going without solid food. Whatever type of fast that you choose, always drink plenty of water.
2. Make a ‘No Meal Plan’
Going without food without any time in prayer or reading the Bible is just going without food!
The point of a spiritual fast is to connect in a deeper way to God. Part of the self-deprivation of food is to replace it with something spiritually fulfilling. You should plan for what will replace your mealtimes. Without a plan, ultimately you will set yourself up to think about food and ultimately surrender to the cravings of your flesh. So before you start, create a plan and identify what you’re wanting to get from your time of fasting.
3. Fasting Is a Team Sport
Fasting is not an excuse to be hangry!
You can’t just focus on your vertical relationship with God while neglecting your horizontal relationship with people. Plan ahead for how this will impact your family meals, and or lunch meetings. If you’re fasting something other than food, how will this impact those around you? Social media, gaming, etc. This is an opportunity to create a greater relationship with others rather than neglecting those you do life with.
4. Not All Fasts are Created Equal
There’s more than one way to fast a fast!
There are many forms of fasting. Some are very personal and private, and some are done in community. Some fasts are complete and water only, and some are partial fasts, or abstaining from specific drinks or foods. Consider an agreed fast with those in your household and decide on a shared focus.
5. Fast
It’s not about the food, or is it!
A total food fast is not always for everyone. You may have a health condition that keeps you from a traditional fast. You may feel God pushing you to surrender something else that captivates a large amount of your time or heart. Fasting can be abstinence from anything that is a sacrifice to you as long as you replace it with prayer and devotion. You can fast social media, coffee, sugar, meat, video games, or sports but don’t use this as an excuse to take the easy way out! You’ll only be cheating yourself of something new God wants to do in your life. Ask God and then stretch your faith to surrender whatever He reveals to you. I promise you won’t be disappointed!