Jan 26th - April 20th
At the very core of small groups, it's less about what you do and more about who you do it with. Whether you're new to groups, leading for your very first time, or a seasoned leader, there's a place just for you!
Small Group Leaders are the heartbeat of Discovery Church! We equip our leaders with practical training and tips that make leading a group fun and easy!
Are you interested in opening up a safe space in your home where people can meet to build authentic community through Groups. There will be a Group Leader who facilitates the group and communications with the members each season.

We encourage all men to have a small group at Discovery, but Fire Groups are not another group.
Men need stories of the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. Men need laughter.
Men need permission to be and become men. And men need each other.
That’s why Fire Groups were born. To gather as men around the timeless fire and share our life and sharpen each other as Men of God.
A Fire Group is an authentic, recurring gathering where men experience God through the stories of other men. All around a fire. Fire Groups exist to foster masculine, God-centered, story- shaped connections. For millennia, men have gathered around flames to share stories, laughter, and moments of masculine initiation.
Download this week's discussion questions
Each week you can find resources to lead your small group with questions related to the sermon.
Download QuestionsLeader Resources
A Discovery Group is made up of people who share similar interests, are in the same stage of life, or want to learn from each other. People gather for all sorts of reasons whether it’s playing a sport, spending time at the park, having lunch during the work day, or studying the Bible together. The point is not what you meet about, it’s that you are regularly meeting with people and living in community as God designed you to do.
It is through life together that our problems become smaller and God uses others to bring support and encouragement to our lives. Even when you might not realize you need it, your Discovery group will quickly become a place where others don’t just know your name, but care about what is happening in your life and want to support you in your spiritual journey.
At Discovery Church, we want you to grow spiritually and connect with new people and Discovery Groups is how we make sure that happens. Our groups make us thrive as a church community and they are full of life and growth. Our groups are semester based, lasting 10-12 weeks. SZN 1 starts in Feb, SZN 2 starts in July, and SZN 3 starts in September.
At Discovery, we equip our leadership with training and resources that help them maximize their efforts when leading a group. Our Discovery Group leaders tell us all the time how blessed they are from being a group leader. So many people are wanting a life giving community and when we experience authentic community we truly experience fullness.