Foundations is a collection of courses we offer during our small group season with the intention to teach the foundations of Ministry, the Bible, and Theology. These classes are designed to give you a solid biblical and theological foundation as a leader and disciple-maker in the church.
Foundations Level 1
Will walk you through what you need to know as you begin this journey as a follower of Christ. Whether you have been following Christ for a long period of time, or just started, this is a great class for you to start with. It not only will equip you with what it means to follow Christ, it will show you where in the Bible we draw it from and also help you to understand the why.
We believe that God has so much for you! Taking Foundations Level 1 is going to help you understand what that is and what your next step is on this faith journey.
Foundations Level 2
Is all about "teaching you how to fish" as the saying goes. In this level, you will learn critical tools for participating in the Christian life. Theology, or how we should talk about God, his creation, and his salvation plan. And Hermeneutics, a big word for how to read and understand the Bible well.
Consisting of 2 classes, over 2 small group seasons, we will give you the information and tools necessary to begin to study the Word of God well and to begin critically thinking about your own faith and practice.
By the end of this level you will be equipped to understand their Bible, commune with God, share about Him with others, and to use all that you've
Foundations 2 How to Read the Bible
The Bible is a collection of inspired writings from about 2000 years ago and older, written by numerous authors over the span of about 1500 years. Yet we believe that not only did God write it, but it has the wisdom necessary for you to live a complete and holy life today.
In this class, you will learn how to read your Bible well. This means understanding the overall story of the Bible, what does it mean to say that God wrote it, the purpose of each of the books inside, and how to understand each book in it’s own context and style of writing.
By the end of this class you will be able to open your Bible and begin to mine the depths that is all that God has said to us through the word.
Foundations Level 1 should be completed before attending Level 2.
Foundations 2 Theology
“You cannot love what you do not know.” (Jen Wilkin)
Our faith, our religion, is built on a relationship with a god that goes to great lengths to be in relationship with us! Theology, the study of God, is all about understanding that relationship.
In this class you will learn who God is, who we are in relation to Him, and how He involves Himself throughout history to restore a relationship we broke so long ago. We will give you the ability to explain things like sin and salvation, how all of creation was meant to be, and how the church is meant to carry out all the God wants in our current day and age.
Foundations Level 3
Foundations Level 3 is Discovery's next level of learning to help equip those that feel called to the next level of ministry. These courses will walk you into a deep dive into the scriptures with a survey and history of the New Testament as well as a survey of the Old Testament. At the end of this course you will have a much deeper understanding of the Bible, the authors and the history at the time of authorship.
You must have completed Foundations Level 2 in order to sign up for Foundations Level 3.